What do you think when you hear the word wolves? Do you think those nasty creatures or those poor wonderful wolves? You should think those poor wonderful wolves. Wolves are not nasty! Just think for one moment that your a wolf. Think that your starving, you need food, your cold. That is what wolves feel like. When they find food they have to gobble it up! Why can't we be at harmony with the wolves like early american Indians? Now days, the wolf represents the symbol of our wilderness, a world which man has forgotten about. There are to many people in the world who hate wolves! To help us figure out the size of a wolf, lets first look at an Alaskan Malamute. They both weigh about 100 pounds. A wolf's coat can come in many different colors, from white to grey, beige, brown and black. Wolves are social animals. They live in packs, that is what makes them social. Wolves only breed once yearly. Most of the time in February and March and only have 4 to 6 pups at a time. We did not think of the great plains, the rolling hills and the winding streams with tangled growth, as wild. Live to love Wolves!
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