Friday, November 4, 2011

Gray Wolves

Gray wolves once lived from North America, Europe and Asia. But now is hunted to near extinction. People take these animals and make them into things that are worth less than the actual animal is. Now we have to save them! Their tails are fluffy with a black tip on them. Gray wolves look like large German Shepherds. Females weigh usually 60-100 pounds and males usually weigh between 70-145. To get more info about these wonderful   creatures go to National Wildlife.
Save these wolves!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

All the Wolves

Gray wolf, Arctic wolf, Tundra wolf, Arabian wolf, Mexican wolf, Russian wolf, Italian wolf, Egyptian wolf, Eurasian wolf, Eastern wolf, Great plains wolf, North western wolf, Indian wolf, Iberian wolf, Ethiopian wolf, Red wolf species.

Mexican Wolf

Mexican wolves are 26-32 inches tall. They eat large hoofed mammals. Like the white tailed deer. They also eat smaller animals like wild pigs. They are endanger.You cant name an animal more endanger than the Mexican wolf. There is only 50 Mexican wolves in the wild and 300 in captivity. Help save the Mexican wolf.